The Writing Mamas Daily Blog

Each day on the Writing Mamas Daily Blog, a different member will write about mothering.

If you're a mom then you've said these words, you've made these observations and you've lived these situations - 24/7.

And for that, you are a goddess.

Friday, May 30, 2008


Write On, Mama!

My excuses flowed like a quick moving stream. I had planned for a month (it was written in HUGE red letters on the kitchen wall calendar, on the second Sunday in March) to attend a Writing Mamas meeting, but I almost didn’t come.

My husband thought it was because of him – that maybe I felt guilty leaving him to the kids and no planned dinner and bedtime. I hadn’t actually thought of that, but then I added it to the list.

“No,” I told him, “I have to read two chapters in my textbook by tomorrow for the class I’m taking, and I’ve got to drive my mom to the airport tomorrow early. And then there’s Ethan’s state report, and …”

The excuses kept coming.

Even as I got into the car with Peter following me, I continued to babble my river of reasons I didn’t have time for this writing group.

Somehow I made it, across the bridge, over to the other side.

The other side of my life.

The other side of me.

Who am I to call myself a writer?

But I’m here now, and as unprepared as I am, writing with one of my son’s dull pencils without an eraser, I’m so glad I made it.

By Maria Dudley


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I'm so glad you made it, too!

And for those keeping score at home, I'm not nearly as self-centered as this makes me sound!
Oh -- I meant to write that you were literally pushing me out the door...:-)
That's right, Maria. Keep your pencil out...

It's funny how we have excuses. I nearly had a nervous breakdown before attending my first writing class. Because it mattered to me- what if I failed?

Glad you made it!
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