The Writing Mamas Daily Blog

Each day on the Writing Mamas Daily Blog, a different member will write about mothering.

If you're a mom then you've said these words, you've made these observations and you've lived these situations - 24/7.

And for that, you are a goddess.

Sunday, March 30, 2008


Bad Hand

My oldest has the week off. None of his high school vacations mesh with his sibling’s elementary school, and most of his friends are out of town.

Before he went up to the snow with his dad and brother all he wanted was to sit with me and watch season three of “Lost.” I am suddenly his only pal.

This is a huge shift, and I’ll take it, though I did have scads of other things I wanted to do. I had started painting his brother’s room and needed to finish so he could move back in. There were books stacked on the dining room table I wanted to sort through and take to the used bookstore. I needed to buy mulch.

Now my boys are up in the snow and my youngest is welded to my side. She had an episode of acid reflux. The burning feeling sent her into a panic and I pick her up early from school. The tears and fear have increased the raw feeling in her throat so now we are doing deep breathing and she is in bed with me drawing and writing in her journal.

She makes a list: relax, breathe, drink water, and eat saltines… Her drawing shows a knife going into her stomach and fire in her throat. She can’t swallow pills and it sends her into another panic when I try to put one in her applesauce and it doesn’t work. It was the beginning of our girls’ only weekend and she was not up for much more than snuggling in my bed.

The phone rings and it’s my middle son. I’m happy to hear from him but I’m not so delusional to think that with endless pizza and violent videos he should think to call me to chat.

“Hi Mom! I broke my arm.” He’s thirteen and vague on details: ducked a snowball while snowboarding, X-ray, splint, Tylenol, out for the season. “Guess I’ll get my French homework done. Here’s Dad.”

Dad is even more vague. “He’s fine. Don’t worry.” I know I won’t get details until I can physically corner one of them.

I’m fanned out like a bad hand of gin rummy.

By Mary Allison Tierney


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