The Writing Mamas Daily Blog

Each day on the Writing Mamas Daily Blog, a different member will write about mothering.

If you're a mom then you've said these words, you've made these observations and you've lived these situations - 24/7.

And for that, you are a goddess.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Summer Swiftly Passing

Summer is half over and the many moments I had planned for my daughter and I to have quality time together have not happened. Guilt is bearing down me as inexorably as autumn and the beginning of school.

When her kindergarten “Moving On” ceremony had ended, I had visions of us taking walks, having deep talks and reading lots of books, just the two of us. But so far those moments have been fleeting. What with camps and trips, our days have been full of movement and separation.

Not that it’s all bad. Miranda loves camp and I get to get stuff done. Projects that languished during the school year are being tackled. Old storage containers are being opened and shredding continues apace. Space is appearing in the garage. Writing, reading, and outlines for an improvisation class I want to teach are all coming to fruition.

But, but, but, Miranda is getting older and as they say, you’re only young once.

So, I’ve decided the space in the garage is as good as it’s going to be. The outlines are fine and more days spent at home may be better than day tripping around Marin. As summer is fading, I want more snuggles, more talks, more walks and more books all with Miranda at my side. I want her to remember summer as a time to play and be with Mom.

That is as long as she’s willing to be there with me. For though I find myself missing her more and more, she’s missing me less and less. The great big world and her many friends call to her, call to her to play and play in the fading summer sun.

And that call needs to be answered as much as my call to take a bit more time at my side, before she moves even further away.

By Georgie Craig


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