The Writing Mamas Daily Blog

Each day on the Writing Mamas Daily Blog, a different member will write about mothering.

If you're a mom then you've said these words, you've made these observations and you've lived these situations - 24/7.

And for that, you are a goddess.

Thursday, June 07, 2007


Teacher Appreciation

Friday morning two weeks ago I was partaking in my usual ritual of handing over hard earned money to Starbucks for a latte that I really should have made at home, when I noticed a sign on the table full of pretty spring items that read,"Teacher Appreciation Week May 4-13."

"Hey David," I yelled to my husband who is also a teacher at a middle school, a job which ensures him sainthood, "Did you know that this week is teacher appreciation week?"

We had a good laugh about all the ways that we went un-appreciated. Not only did I not receive a gift card to Starbucks (an easy one for my students who see me with my coffee cup every morning) or even a gift card for gas which would have at least acknowledged the fact that most teachers have to live in another county just to afford a home and spend a good deal of their day commuting to their work, but instead I received complaints during a nasty parent meeting, which included the counselor and the assistant principal where I had to listen to a mom try to blame me for her child's procrastination. I received an e-mail from a dad who wanted an extension on homework for his son who has done nothing but slack all semester, and another one from a mom who asked if I could change a grade from the fall semester so her daughter could go on a trip to Israel instead of going to summer school this summer to make up her D. All in a day’s work I suppose.

David and I continued to laugh until we realized that it wasn't funny. Not only did parents and students not acknowledge this week, but also our own administrators and PTSA groups did nothing in recognition. (Although in all fairness, our PTSA is hosting an end of year teacher luncheon next week). It made me wonder if this was some sort of holiday created only by Starbucks or was it something that the general public should know about?

I almost put a sign up on the whiteboard that said, "Did you know it is Teacher Appreciation Week? It is not too late to thank your teachers." But that felt like fishing, like asking people if you look nice in your new outfit or dropping hints that it’s your birthday so you'll receive acknowledgement or gifts. So instead I kept it to myself and was grateful that at least on my way in to school later that morning a student saw that I had my hands full and held the door open for me.
I also took consolation in knowing that the coming Sunday was Mother's Day, and I don’t need a holiday to let me know that I’m appreciated at home -- where it really matters.

By Jennifer Cole


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That is so sad! Our elementary school collected flowers from the families and made arrangements and hosted a luncheon for our teachers. I think everyday should be teacher appreciation. Teachers do SO much for our kids!! They teach more than acdemics and are the ones to teach our kids HOW to learn and hopefully to enjoy it. It is up to the parents to foster this-not just schools. I KNOW I could not do what those teachers do.
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